Home for the Holidays, by Thomas Kincaid

Friday, October 31, 2008

Show and Tell Friday

Kelli, over at There's No Place Like Home is hosting another Show & Tell Friday. I decided not to show you any trinkets and such but to introduce you to my cats, Timmy and Sunny.

Oh, sure, they look like peaceful pussycats right now, but that is during the day...At night, they are both holy terrors! Right about mid-night, when all is quiet in the house, Timmy and Sunny are suddenly beset with devilish energy. They jump. They run. They pounce. They knock things over. And then, as if that wasn't enough, they start knocking on our bedroom door.

Pat, pat, pat, pat....BANG! BANG!! BANG!!!

They want to come in....So, we get up, groggy and half-asleep, to open the door. In the pussycats come. They run and jump on the bed! They want to be rubbed. So, we pat them a little and then roll over to go to sleep. Not in your life! Timmy will usually settle down, but not Sunny. He jumps on our faces, paws our noses, tries to eat our feet. So, we unceremoniously, throw them both out of the bedroom.

Pat, pat, pat, pat....BANG! BANG!! BANG!!!

We let them in. They run and jump on the bed. They want to be rubbed. We're too tired, so they play on our faces. We throw them out.

And the whole darn thing begins again.

Then, somewhere near dawn, the darling little furrballs become tired and sleepy. They curl up at the foot of our bed and off to sleepland they go.

BUZZZZZZZZ!! It's the alarm clock!! Time to get up!!!

But not for the tired little pussies. They roll over and go back to sleep all day. They need their rest ... so they can KEEP US UP ALL NIGHT AGAIN!!!



Hootin Anni said...

Cats Rule!! I love cats.

I also saw you post below too, and it's so so sweet.

My Show n Tell is shared. Come by if you can. And I added a comment link right below the end of my show n tell today, since it's such a huge blog for Halloween. Gifts galore for all! If you stop by!!!

Pamela said...

What a cute story! They really do have their days and nights mixed up but that's the way it is with cats, isn't it?

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, aren't they cute. Are they brothers?

Susan P. said...

I loved your little story:) It sounds like my Buster and Bailey must be related to your Timmy and Sunny!! lol Ah, cat's, can't live with them, but surely can't live without!!!! BTW, in answer to your question, yes, I live in Virginia!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Cute. But I KNOW you love em!

Carla said...

LOL!! We have this with our bassets wanting in and out all night!!BANG BANG BANG with the tail on the back door. BANG BANG BANG goes the tail on washer wanting out. and on and on! (our kitties are able to go outside at night for their mischief:)

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

OMGosh, my schnauzer does that to me! LOL! I'll bet life is never boring with Timmy and Sunny around.

Beth at Aunties said...

I enjoyed the story very much. You are so talented at writing!
Go to daBergs on my blog for a spiritual trick or treat! I enjoyed her post very much today!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

LBP said...

What cute kitties! My kitty seems to be quite nocturnal! And loves to climb the screen door at midnight!


Michelle said...

OHHHHHHH they are adorable!!! I love their names! I am a serious cat lover and these guys are too cute!

Michelle :)

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet and sounds somewhat familiar.
If I've been away, Smokey will actually sleep beside me on the bed at night but just the one night. Usually he doesn't bother me until about 2:30 a.m. when I get up and tell him it is too early to get up, close the door and go back to sleep. If I don't leave the door open, he'll stand at it and meow, pull it with his paw underneath and make noises. I thought if you had two cats to keep each other company, this wouldn't happen. And you're right, they do sleep most of the day.
Mama Bear

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Yes! The ghost and Mrs. Muir is fab! I love old movies. In fact I thought today was going to be a Ghost & Mrs. Muir kind of day...I tend to like to watch it when it's a bit cooler outside, even rainy and then make a cup of hot chocolate. It rained (barely) and then it warmed up to 94 degrees. Grrr. It was supposed to be just 74 today.
Oh! My grandmother's name was Lucia (like in the movie). Of course, everyone just called her "Lucy". It was easier.

Alice said...

So true, so true! Cats rule, dogs drool! We have 4 indoor cats, 1 outdoor. Although, we also have 4 indoor dogs and 2 rabbits. Outside - 1 wild hog and 2 cute little pygmy goats. So....I can relate to your cat photos :) Love them! Thanks for sharing.

Please feel free to visit my blog anytime.

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL...that would be the reason I have dogs!! Loved the story though...made me laugh! Thanks for the visit and the birthday wishes. I love meeting fellow members of the church!

nikkicrumpet said...

Hey Elizabeth

You're in Utah?? wow what part? I'm a Utah girl born and raised!! Lived in a small town called Payson. I've been living in Massachusetts for the last 7 yrs...and I miss home desperately! Have a lovely weekend.

Alice said...

Hi again :) yes, we homeschool. This is our 10th year. When Kali was in the 6-7th grade range, I started searching for all the information I could find on high school requirements, credits, scholarships, anything and everything I thought we might need and information on each one. I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything in her education along the way that would be needed later. I still stuck to the studies she was interested in, but included as much as possible that would meet these later requirements. Here in Florida you can begin earning high school credits in 8th grade, as long as the work is high school level. We definitely took advantage of that in history, science and math. I found a good high school counselor with ROCK Solid, a homeschool company here in Florida (www.rocksolidinc.com). They helped me with a lot of information. Then just have fun, go where your child leads in topics of interest, pray a lot, and enjoy :). The other thing we did was look at colleges she might want to go to, found out what their requirements were, and we are making sure we meet those. Hope this wasn't too much info :). Good luck :). Thanks for stopping by. I'm sure we will be talking again :).

Alice said...

I guess I go more interest-directed. For example, Kali has been very involved in 4-H, she was president for the entire county and pretty much ran the program while we were without an agent for about 8 months. She presidented 2 clubs and helped start a new club in another county. I was able to document her hours and gain enough to give her a full elective credit in Leadership. She also got a half credit for Volunteer Work. Once I figured out we could use everyday activites towards credits - I became a whole lot less stressed.

We are part of Communicators For Christ - a homeschool speech and debate club. They meet twice a month, have regional training, and competitions statewide. I am counting hours, keeping copies of all written speeches, drafts and all, and counting these towards a Speech half credit, a Debate half credit, and an English half credit. The high school counselor told me that work done once can be counted in more than one class, if it is pertinent to both, so that helps me out a little here.

Really the only things I use regular text books with are math and science. I have made up our whole history program from other resources. It's a little more work, but that way I can make it less painful when we actually have to do it. Does this help?

My email is kenoly2000@hotmail.com if you ever want to contact me that way :). Alice

Carrie said...

My, you do have to be very patient!