Yesterday, my husband called me from the road with the news that he had just been laid off from his job as salesman for a home automation company. This company makes its money from new home construction or the renovation of existing homes, both of which have practically ground to a halt here. Times are very tough and they are tightening their belt, so to speak.
...I consider this a blessing.
Several months ago, my husband was switched from salary to straight commission and, of course, most of his impending sales went dead in the water, as the economy worsened. We have been living on fumes. However, now my husband can pull in unemployment benefits, while taking the time to look for a good job. Our budget will be tight, but we can do it.
I always believe, and I know I may sound like a Pollyanna, that when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window. In fact, I've been memorizing a scripture that says this:
"We know all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
So, there we have it from the Big Guy. He didn't say that "some things work together for the good", but "all things" do.
In the past, when I was working, I suffered both a lay-off and also one circumstance where my boss didn't really like me too much and sought to fire me. In the first instance, I had faith that the Lord would somehow bless me, despite a somewhat depressed job market in LA, to find just the right job so that I could still save money for my upcoming wedding. The job that I finally did get was about the best possible scenario I could have ever hoped for. In the second instance, I became medically disabled with a pregnancy and my boss had to pay me disability until after the baby was born, at which time I no longer worked out of the home. Likewise, I know that somehow this course of events will bless our lives, despite my husband's specialized field of knowledge and the worsening economy, as long as we keep our minds and hearts open to the Lord's promptings.
So, despite the "bad" news, both my husband and I are at peace and hopeful for the future.
If you wouldn't mind remembering us in your prayers, I would deeply appreciate it. I will keep you informed as to what is happening.