Well, for those of you who don't like faith-based posts, you might want to look away from this one.
I have been thinking a lot about having faith in the midst of adversity...and how easy it was for me to have faith when I was young and on my own and how much more difficult it is for me now that I have a husband and children who are dependent upon me. For those who don't know us well, Mark and I have struggled at making a living for many years. My husband works very, very hard, but it has been an uphill climb. There have been many prayers for God's intervention to help us out.
Recently, I have realized that over the years my prayers have been prayers of fear instead of prayers of faith. This hit me very hard between the eyes. So, I have been thinking a great deal about approaching life with greater belief that the Lord has the ability and DESIRE to help us according to our needs. This has turned my thinking around 180 degrees (well, I'm not great with geometry, but I think that is a correct analogy).
Now, I am approaching each day looking for manifestations of the Lord's grace, small examples that He is watching over us and knows our concerns...Everyday, I come away something that shows me that He is there.
Just for an example, yesterday I did something stupid yet again...I locked Sarah and myself out of the house. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Well, it wasn't the first time. Plus, my hide-a-key was inside. Wouldn't you know it? I was pretty desperate, because I didn't want to call a locksmith. I need any extra funds for buying school supplies and school clothes. A locksmith would eat up my extra funds. So, I prayed with all my heart. Suddenly, into my mind, pops an idea. Go into the garage, find a screwdriver and try to pry open one of our windows. I particularly felt impressed that my son's window might be open (we'd already tried this with our hands to all the windows in the house to no avail). We were desperate so we followed this prompting. Guess what? Robert's window opened. We were able to get inside and unlock the front door.
We can still buy school supplies and clothing.
Some people would say this is a coincidence. I don't believe that. I believe that the idea that popped into my head when I was ready to give up was information from God to help us out.
This is just one of many examples of late that I have had of God's constant love and caring. It is helping me to move forward in faith instead of fear.