Home for the Holidays, by Thomas Kincaid

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Late Spring Snows

First a howling blizzard woke us,
Then the rain came down to soak us,
Now .. Before the eye can focus —
Crocus !
~Lilja Rogers
Yes, it is true.  We have been having snow, snow, snow.  Welcome to Springtime in the Rocky Mountains.  We can have snow up here against the mountains into May and there have been not a few Summers when a freak storm could put so on the mountains in June!  However, the bulbs in our garden plots of irises, crocuses and tulips are sending up green shoots.  So, despite all of this white, Spring is on its way here.

These longish Winters make me antsy and greatly desirous of warm weather.  It inspires me to really get into Spring cleaning and to get my house ready for Easter and a new season.  I know this will sound very late to those of you in warmer climates.

What will you be doing to make your Easter Week, Holy Week special?  Please write me and share your ideas with me.  We love to watch the movie, Jesus of Nazareth over several evenings.  How about you?

Have a wonderful weekend.  I look forward to hearing from you!

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