As you can see above, I've added to the filing system that was already there, a plastic holder for my pens and markers and two chore lists, one for each child.
I use a different highlight color for each person in our family: Sarah is pink; Mark is blue; Robert is yellow and I am purple. The family color is orange. As I write down activities in my daily planner, I highlight each activity according to which family member is involved. That way I can tell at a glance who's got what and when. I patterned this system off of my friend, Teri's.
Below is my Flylady calendar (, which has extra big spaces for the days, so there is plenty of room to write in activities. I coordinate this calendar with my daily desk calendar, to make sure that I am very organized.
So, far this system is really working well for me. I'm so thankful to Laura, at Organizing Junkie ( for the ideas for a kitchen command center and the filing system. I feel so much more together with all this going on to help me run my family in a more effective way.
Have a great day!
Also, I haven't been visiting blogs much. The end to this summer (school begins one week from this coming Wednesday) is bearing down on us fast and I am very involved doing stuff with the children. I will try to get by over the weekend and will be a better blogging friend after August 24th!
Oh my...I feel overwhelmed by your organized fridge face there lady! Grin...I probably need to do something like that...this old 'thinker' is not capable of holding it all inside by itself anymore. Sigh.
I know what you mean about being busy...seems it has been that way since April and the beginning of the pre-Grad events. Sigh...and now I am buying sheets for doems and mini=fridges...where did the time go?!!! Obviously I will have way more time once it is University for the son. Miss ya gal...sorry I haven't been around. God Bless...say happy birthday to your daughter and I will check in on her writing real soon...she is still writing n'est pas?
Love the color coding in your day planner! Thanks for the great tip.
I bought a planner just like yours this year and it is the first one I ever really used! I love it.
I think I started using it because I made myself a purse that was big enought to hold it, so I have it with me at a my lessons, at work, when I'm out to lunch with friends, etc. It makes it so easy to see if i have time to do something, and easy to write things down right away!
Oh the joys of being organized!
Ha! That was me, not James. Oh dear, you were porbably thinking, why is this guy talking about his purse!!! (BLUSH!)
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