Home for the Holidays, by Thomas Kincaid

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rediscovering Joy - Week #2 - SEEK OUT THE INSPIRING!

I almost didn't get this post entered today, so much came up that I wasn't sure I would be able to get on the computer for personal time at all...

Those of you who read my post last Tuesday know that I have begun a series about Rediscovering Joy.  Every week I plan to post something that I have found to help me in the direction of feeling/finding greater passion in life.

Well, today was so crazy, I kept wondering what do I write, if I have time to write at all?  Then, tonight, my husband and I really needed a break so we decided to watch a movie.  We no longer have cable so we are dependent on Netflix and Amazon.com for our entertainment.  I had ordered a movie called "Something The Lord Has Made":

It is the true story of "white surgeon Alfred Blalock (Alan Rickman) and his black assistant, Vivien Thomas (Mos Def), who teamed in the 1940s to develop a procedure to save children suffering from a heart defect. But Thomas's status as a second-class citizen prevented him from getting recognition, as Blalock took all the credit. Their relationship, while close, was complicated by the social realities of the time."

This Emmy Award-winning HBO movie is extremely inspiring and uplifting, without sacrificing realism, or great writing and acting.

Watching this I suddenly remembered that one of the ways to Rediscover Joy is by reminding ourselves how good and wonderful the world really can be by reading or watching true stories of great men and women who contribute to welfare of their fellow men with selfless acts of service.

Yes, I am plugging the movie.  But I am also encouraging you so seek out for yourself wonderful, life-affirming true stories.  Remind yourself of all the good that is being done.  Yes, the news headlines may scream of endless crime and terrible stories, but at the same time ordinary people are  doing absolutely EXTRAORDINARY things.

Have a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design said...

I think movies and biographies are great ways to find inspiration in our own lives. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award for bloggers. Please see my post http://www.homeandlifestyledesign.com/2013/09/i-won-liebster-award.html for more details. Congrats and keep up the great work.
Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design