Today, I am sharing two of my favorite paintings that we have in our house and the stories about how I got them.
This beautiful picture, above, of the bride writing in the church registry has always been one of my favorites, but it especially appealed to me back in early 1993, when I was as soon-to-be bride. One day I was in a gift shop in Disneyland, of all places, and I happened to see a gift bag with this lovely painting on it...So, I bought the bag and had it framed. Yep! This painting is really a framed gift bag. But you can't tell by looking at it!
The next picture that I love is of kissing cheribs.I found this at a thrift store last year for $1! It is in a really nice frame and looks like I spent quite a lot for it, but I didn't!
I especially love their sweet faces...
So, you see that having nice artwork doesn't have to cost a fortune!
Have a great day and be sure to check out the other Show and Tells at Kelli's blog
There Is No Place Like Home.